

Creating a culture of innovation since 1891



Creating a culture of innovation

The Ohio Academy of Science has created a culture of innovation for students from grade 5 through college. Below is a brief description of each program, and links to learn more about each opportunity. The flowchart below illustrates how students can take one idea and research project and use it in multiple programs of the Academy. Read below to learn more!


Each year, the Academy brings together Ohio’s scientists, engineers, educators, graduate, undergraduate and pre-college students to discuss recent developments in science and technology. The meeting is a science gathering with scientific sessions, renowned speakers, and valuable networking opportunities.

Presenters can present their findings in either a podium or poster presentation.

The Ohio Academy of Science’s Annual Meeting is for academic, governmental, and industrial scientists and engineers, university and pre-college educators, and pre-college, undergraduate, and graduate students, and interested lay citizens in the Ohio region. Annually the several hundred scientific presentations are complemented by workshops, symposia, and an All- Academy Lecture.

Click here to visit our Annual Meeting webpage.


Ohio STEP is a STEM innovation and entrepreneurship program of the Ohio Academy of Science. This program is designed to promote critical thinking and the development of an entrepreneurial mindset through experiential and project-based learning. Authentic experiential research projects prepare students to meet the demands of a rapidly changing labor market where technology and innovation create new challenges, as well as new and rewarding opportunities.


Click here to visit our Ohio STEP website.


Each year, thousands of Ohio students complete independent research projects. These students present their research at Local and the District level, and the highest rated projects go on to compete at State Science Day. This event is the high-point of student-based scientific-research, and in 2021 it will be entering its 73rd year.

Click here to learn more about Science Days.

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